Farm Junk Images

I wrote this post on my www.stlouisstyleblog a couple years ago:

"When you have a working farm, you just never end up throwing anything away. You stick it somewhere since you may need it someday. Well we have had our farm over 50 years and have assembled a rich collection of junk. Junk slowly becomes art and then you can't throw it away."

(Update: since taking these pic a couple years ago….we did finally clean out our barns.  They are not as interesting, though we have room now and good $ in the bank from selling scrap iron!)

Farm 6-26-08 015

Farm 6-26-08 037 Farm 6-26-08 041 Farm 6-26-08 043 Farm 6-26-08 039 Farm 6-26-08 035

Farm 6-26-08 034 Farm 6-26-08 017 Farm 6-26-08 044

Posted at 09:08 PM in Pike County | Permalink


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