Sold: 101 South 3rd | Grace House Church

The buyers of 101 South 3rd (Grace House) found the listing on as they were looking to move from their home state of Texas. The buyers are ecstatic about moving into a historic home, and I know this is the perfect fit!




Farm Living!

Over the weekend I had a group out to our farm to enjoy the lovely weather, each other's company and great food/drink. I don't have very much time to do overnights at our farm, so this is a treat for me. It also keeps me in tune with how the farm serves guests. My friends gently encouraged me to look into hooking up to County Water which runs in front of our property. We currently have well water that is infused with sulfur. I am a little hesitant to make the change since the smell of our water is rich with memories. What will come next?  Central heat and AC? A TV? More than 1 bathroom? A dishwasher? A disposal? Internet? If I make it too comfortable, people may want to stay longer! I actually used our out-house this morning….a two-holer!

Sep 28, 2014

Sep 28, 2014

Troy Flower Shop

The other day Ladue News used one of my listings as a back drop for their Holiday Fashion Spread.  Troy Flower Shop provided some arrangements.  They were beautiful and inventive.  A perfect resource for special Pike County gatherings.

Troy Flower Shop, 650 E Cherry, Troy MO  63379  636-528-8528




Josh Cote- artist

I was thrilled to see Louisiana, MO Pike County artist, Josh Cote, exhibiting at the Shaw Art Fair in St. Louis.  I bought one of his crows from the farmhouse in Pike County. Check out the super cool building that I had listed which he purchased:  HERE




Fall @ the Farm!

Yes, you have to endure more pictures of our farmhouse. Writing a blog is hard work. I call it "feed the monster"….I created it and it needs constant attention.  Knowing that 50+ page hits a day occur…I am motivated! Don't tell anyone, though about 1/3 of my business comes from blog fans or people that have found me searching the web. Well here are some pictures to keep you engaged. They are from our (I share the farmhouse with 3 brothers and the farm as a whole with 3 other cousins) farmhouse in Pike County, MO during a recent overnight party. Yesterday's post was about the preparation for the party. City people do not understand pealing paint and spiders….I slaved since my sons went back to college getting the house ready. I promise…the last of the series. (You also could have a country retreat….call me…I have some more fabulous than this! It really is a great way to entertain and keep your family together! Think about buying one with 3-4 good friends and sharing it! OK…done with the selling!)









Farm Room Freshening

Time goes by quickly.  I just painted the 1st fl bedroom and Living Room of our farmhouse.  As I was painting, I realized that it has been over 20 years since they rooms were redone. The Living Room was sponged and the bedroom had stars stamped on the paint….very 90's.

I had a group of 16 out to spend the night at the farm last Saturday….somehow it worked with only 5 actual beds and 1 bathroom in the house. Blow up mattresses are certainly handy and everyone seems to have one except for me….I slept on the couch.

I have been seeing this soft celery green in houses that I show and love it…so I went a little overboard and painted the Living Room and Bedroom a soft green….one called Honey Dew and the other called Rubbed Sage from Sherwin Williams.  In the pictures it will look like the same color, though they are very different. Believe it or not I went through 12 colors of green sample paint before I was happy.

I also painted 3 scary closets that probably have not seen a fresh coat of paint in 50 years…..and probably not again in my lifetime. It is a little disturbing to think in those terms…though mid-life does it….I need to make a point to repaint them before I get too old!













Peach Tree and Barn

Spring has finally arrived!   I love this ornamental peach tree at our farm and the way that it plays off of the color of the barn.  Recenly I discovered that this kind of peach tree is not really the kind that you buy if you want to eat the peaches, though I have eaten them and they are good.


Purple Dead Nettle

I went out to my farm in Pike County to show some property. It was a gorgeous day to drive in the country. This time the Purple Dead Nettle makes a brief appearance and dies down pretty quickly when the warm weather comes in. Check out this Overview of this plant….it is edible!



And here are some pics with the Hipsotmatic Ap

