Residence of Dr. Eric A. Cunningham at Louisiana, Missouri Functional in Design and Built Into a Rocky Bluff
(The following text is from St. Louis Post-Dispatch – Sunday, June 23, 1940 Page 79)
A house which is functional in the sense that its lines were determined not by a desire to conform to a type but by the particular living accommodations the owner wanted, is the third in a series of residences in the St. Louis region which is are examples of contemporary architecture. This house is the home of Dr. Eric A. Cunningham at Louisiana, Missouri, and the architect is Beverley Nelson of St. Louis.
Built into the rock of a Mississippi River bluff, on the site of an old quarry, it commands a wide view of river and of wooded hills. On the river side, the house is three stories high, on the land side, two. The walls of the top story are wood, of the intermediate story, brick, and of the lowest story part of which is below ground rock. There are four master bedrooms. The house was completed late last year (1939.)
West side with the front entrance, of Dr. Eric A. Cunningham’s house in Louisiana, Missouri. On this side the house rises two stories above the ground. At left is the service wing, in which are kitchen and garage.
View of the east side of the house, showing how it is built into the rocky bluff above the Mississippi. Here the lowest floor, on which there is an extra living room, suitable for recreation purposes, is on a level with the terrace immediately outside.
Living room, on the east, or river side, of the house. On either side of the fireplace, windows look directly out on the river, while at north and south ends of the room are other windows giving views up and down the stream.
Owner’s study, with walls of oil-stained white pine and built-in book shelves. One of its windows looks out on the river.
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