Interiors Pictures- Griffith-McCune Home

Today I am featuring some of the interior pictures of the historic Griffith- McCune home located on Rockford Farms. The back frame section of the house was gently renovated about 15 years ago.  The exterior is pretty much the same.  The interior was pretty bad.  At one point there was a fire in the back section and it was a storage room for decades. There was a central chimney that was crumbling and had to be taken down. An interesting note is that when the old chimney was being torn down, the workers found a intact prehistoric spearhead under the foundation. Check out this link to see a pic. Some of the local Mennonites crafted the cedar timbers to make the beams in the back section. Originally there was a flat ceiling. I thought it would be nice to open up the space.

Archived Disk 965

Archived Disk 964

Archived Disk 980

  Archived Disk 983

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