Apple Trees

I used to have the best dwarf apple tree out at our farm that produced a bounty! My sons were younger and had so much fun picking them each Fall. Well a bull got loose in the yard and knocked it down. :(   I bought another apple tree and planted it about 8 years ago. It is very large now, though does not produce apples. I finally realized that it is not a self-pollinating apple tree. Now that Spring is in full blast and knowing that my apple tree was ready to bloom….I scurried up to Stark Brothers in Louisiana, MO to pick up some mates for my tree.  I have no idea what kind of apple tree I planted 8 years ago, so I bought one self-pollinating tree that will mate with any tree and then two other varieties.  Granny Smith, Golden Crisp and a Candy Crisp. Now I just need bees!

Stark Brother's Nursery

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Here is a lovely peach tree at our farm….I planted it a while ago….now I have been told it is just an ornamental peach tree….it is pretty!

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The wildflowers are in bloom:  Dutchman's Britches and Spring Beauty

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