Aberdeen Farm

Our family has owned farms in the Pike County area for several decades. Before WWII my grandfather owned Aberdeen which is at the corner of D and WW.  This lovely property was originally one of the Meriwether plantations. The primary crop was tobacco in the 1800's. My grandfather sold the property to Gov. Lloyd Stark. Governor Stark was the one who put the pillared colonnade on the front of the house.  The other day I came across some old pictures of Aberdeen and will share them with you in the future.

Update: This blog is going to force me to do more research on Pike County.  I just stumbled across this information:

Place name: Aberdeen
Description: A post office in Prairieville Township, established in 1891 and discontinued in 1904. H.V.P. Block, formerly from Virginia, owned a farm here consisting of about 13,000 acres. He was of Scotch descent and named the farm Aberdeen. The post office which was established at a toll gate on this land took its name from the farm. (Mrs. T.N. Bragg; J.D. Hostetter)
Source: Leech, Esther. "Place Names Of Six East Central Counties Of Missouri." M.A. thesis., University of Missouri-Columbia, 1933.

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